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Enterprise Bacula New Features

This chapter presents the new features that will be added to the current Enterprise version of Bacula that is under development. This version will be released at some later date, probably near the end of June 2011. These features are available only with a Bacula Systems subscription.

In addition to the features in this chapter, the Enterprise version will include the Community features described in the Community new Features chapter.

Restart Incomplete Job

This project was funded by Bacula Systems and is available with Bacula Enterprise Edition.

Support for MSSQL Block Level Backup

This project was funded by Bacula Systems and is available with the Bacula Enterprise Edition.

Support for NDMP protocol

The new ndmp Plugin is able to backup a NAS through NDMP protocol using Filer to server approach, where the Filer is backing up across the LAN to your Bacula server.

Accurate option should be turned on in the Job resource.

Job {
 Accurate = yes
 FileSet = NDMPFS

FileSet {
 Name = NDMPFS
 Include {
   Plugin = "ndmp:host=nasbox user=root pass=root file=/vol/vol1"

This project was funded by Bacula Systems and is available with the Bacula Enterprise Edition.

Job Bandwidth Limitation

The new Job Bandwidth Limitation directive may be added to the File daemon's and/or Director's configuration to limit the bandwidth used by a Job on a Client. It can be set in the File daemon's conf file for all Jobs run in that File daemon, or it can be set for each Job in the Director's conf file.

For example:

FileDaemon {
  Name = localhost-fd
  Working Directory = /some/path
  Pid Directory = /some/path
  Maximum Bandwidth Per Job = 5Mb/s

The above example would cause any jobs running with the FileDaemon to not exceed 5Mb/s of throughput when sending data to the Storage Daemon.

You can specify the speed parameter in k/s, Kb/s, m/s, Mb/s.

For example:

Job {
  Name = locahost-data
  FileSet = FS_localhost
  Accurate = yes
  Maximum Bandwidth = 5Mb/s

The above example would cause Job localhost-data to not exceed 5MB/s of throughput when sending data from the File daemon to the Storage daemon.

A new console command setbandwidth permits to set dynamically the maximum throughput of a running Job or for future jobs of a Client.

* setbandwidth limit=1000000 jobid=10

The limit parameter is in Kb/s.

This project was funded by Bacula Systems and is available in the Enterprise Edition.

Incremental/Differential Block Level Difference Backup

The new delta Plugin is able to compute and apply signature-based file differences. It can be used to backup only changes in a big binary file like Outlook PST, VirtualBox/VmWare images or database files.

It supports both Incremental and Differential backups and stores signatures database in the File Daemon working directory. This plugin is available on all plateform including Windows 32 and 64bit.

Accurate option should be turned on in the Job resource.

Job {
 Accurate = yes
 FileSet = DeltaFS

FileSet {
 Name = DeltaFS
 Include {
   Plugin = "delta:/home/eric/.VirtualBox/HardDisks/lenny-i386.vdi"

Note: the core code features to implement this functionality are included in the Community plugin interface as will as the core Community code.

This project was funded by Bacula Systems and is available with the Bacula Enterprise Edition.

Include All Windows Drives in FileSet

The alldrives Windows Plugin allows you to include all local drives with a simple directive. This plugin is available for Windows 64 and 32 bit.

FileSet {
 Name = EverythingFS
 Include {
   Plugin = "alldrives"

You exclude some specific drives with the exclude option.

FileSet {
 Name = EverythingFS
 Include {
   Plugin = "alldrives: exclude=D,E"

This project was funded by Bacula Systems and is available with the Bacula Enterprise Edition.

Always Backup a File

When the Accurate mode is turned on, you can decide to always backup a file by using the following option:

Job {
   Name = ...
   FileSet = FS_Example
   Accurate = yes

FileSet {
 Name = FS_Example
 Include {
   Options {
     Accurate = A
   File = /file
   File = /file2

This project was funded by Bacula Systems based on an idea of James Harper and is available with the Bacula Enterprise Edition.

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Eric 2011-08-08