
Bacula Copyright, Trademark, and Licenses

There are a number of different licenses that are used in Bacula. If you have a printed copy of this manual, the details of each of the licenses referred to in this chapter can be found in the online version of the manual at



The Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License (CC-BY-SA)CCbySAChapter is used for the Bacula documentation, which is a free and open license. Though there are certain restrictions that come with this license you may in general freely reproduce it and even make changes to it. However, rather than distribute your own version of this manual, we would much prefer if you would send any corrections or changes to the Bacula project.

The most recent version of the manual can always be found online at



The vast bulk of the source code is released under the Affero GNU General Public License version 3.

Copyright© 2000-2015, Kern Sibbald
Copyright© 2000-2014, Free Software Foundation Europe e.V.

Portions may be copyrighted by other people. These files are released under different licenses which are compatible with the Bacula AGPLv3 license.



Bacula®  is a registered trademark of Kern Sibbald.


Copyright Assignment Agreement

Developers who have contributed significant changes to the Bacula code must sign a Copyright Assignment Agreement (CAA — formerly called a Fiduciary License Agreement or FLA), which guarantees them the right to use the code they have developed, and also ensures that Kern (and thus the Bacula project) has the rights to the code.  By signing the CAA, your contributions are eligible to be integrated into the Bacula source code.  Having the CAA signed is essential for the Bacula project to maintain a clean copyright and guarantees that Bacula and your source code will always remain Free Software (Open Source).  Providing that your contribution is accepted by the Bacula project, your signed CAA also permits Kern to submit your contribution for  use in the Bacula Enterprise Edition. The Copyright Assignment Agreement is found on the Bacula web site at: