Introduction Cloud backup is a valuable service offering a wide array of features to assist users in storing their files and data without constraints related to time and location. With the advancement of the Internet, storing data online has become a more convenient and efficient alternative to traditional storage on physical hard drives. The advantage […]
16.0.7 is the new reference release. Please consult the release notes for more information ( Some of the fixes and improvements brought by the new Bacula Enterprise 16.0.7: – Single Item Restore (SIR) is now supported with the VMware plugin backup from vSphere running versions 7 and 8 – The Proxmox plugin’s VMA backup jobs are now…
Here’s a handy tip that you may find useful: In order to grep for a key word in the backup joblog and send an email to a selected recipient, we suggest using a script that will grep a keyword (in this example we use the “Will not descend” keyword). Then send the e-mail (in this…
Bacula Enterprise 16.0.6 is the new reference release. Please consult release notes for more information. Some of the fixes brought by the new BEE 16.0.6 include: A lot of improvements for the HyperV-WMI plugin VMWare plugin: the VDDK library updated to 8.0 Data spooling issue brought in 16.0 fixed The new Exchange E2WS plugin permits…
Here is very clear and precise video about the Authorization Steps to take for Bacula’s M365 Plugin in the Cloud. You may well find it useful to learn about the registration process. Look out for the next video “How to Configure and Run Backup and Restore M365 with Bacula Enterprise” coming soon!
Bacula’s development is continuing as quickly as ever. Its engineering team are proud to announced Bacula Enterprise version 16.0.5 . This release makes Bacula just about the most most technology-compatible backup solution available. Just some of the great features in this release are: Azure VM Plugin – with backup and restore support for Azure VM…
We are pleased to announce the release of Bacula version 13.0.3 to both the Bacula website ( and to SourceForge. Thank you for using Bacula. Release Notes for Bacula 13.0 This is a major release with many new features and a number of changes. Please take care to test this code carefully before putting it […]
We are pleased to announce the release of Bacula version 13.0.2 to both the Bacula website ( and to SourceForge. Thank you for using Bacula. Release Notes for Bacula 13.0 This is a major release with many new features and a number of changes. Please take care to test this code carefully before putting it […]
The process of figuring out what is the best backup software for your company can be extremely complicated for a number of reasons. The choice itself is massive, and the number of available solutions are at an all-time high, offering a wealth of features for different client types.
Bacularis is a new web interface project based on Baculum. Its mission is to make the use of Bacula especially easy, starting with simple installation and configuration. It has friendly, clean functions and numerous easy-to-use wizards. This web interface is intended for both new Bacula users just starting out on their adventure with Bacula, and […]