Bacula Frequently Asked Questions
Problem Resolution Guide
Problem Resolution Guide
Bacula Frequently Asked Questions
What is Bacula?
Does Bacula support Windows?
What language is Bacula written in?
On what machines does Bacula run?
Is Bacula Stable?
I'm Getting Authorization Errors. What is Going On?
Bacula Runs Fine but Cannot Access a Client on a Different Machine. Why?
My Catalog is Full of Test Runs, How Can I Start Over?
I Run a Restore Job and Bacula Hangs. What do I do?
I Cannot Get My Windows Client to Start Automatically?
My Windows Client Immediately Dies When I Start It
My backups are not working on my Windows Client. What should I do?
All my Jobs are scheduled for the same time. Will this cause problems?
Can Bacula Backup My System To Files instead of Tape?
Can I use a dummy device to test the backup?
Can Bacula Backup and Restore Files Bigger than 2 Gigabytes?
I want to stop a job.
Why have You Trademarked the Name Bacula?
Why is the Online Document for Version 1.39 but the Released Version is 1.38?
Does Bacula really save and restore all files?
I want an Incremental but Bacula runs it as a Full backup. Why?
Do you really handle unlimited path lengths?
What Is the Really Unique Feature of Bacula?
How can I force one job to run after another?
I Am Not Getting Email Notification, What Can I Do?
My retention periods don't work
Why aren't my files compressed?
Incremental backups are not working
I am waiting forever for a backup of an offsite machine
SSH hangs forever after starting Bacula
I'm confused by retention periods
MaxVolumeSize is ignored
I get a Connection refused when connecting to my Client
Long running jobs die with Pipe Error
How do I tell the Job which Volume to use?
Password generation
Tips and Suggestions
Upgrading Bacula Versions
Getting Notified of Job Completion
Getting Email Notification to Work
Getting Notified that Bacula is Running
Maintaining a Valid Bootstrap File
Rejected Volumes After a Crash
Security Considerations
Creating Holiday Schedules
Automatic Labeling Using Your Autochanger
Backing Up Portables Using DHCP
Going on Vacation
Exclude Files on Windows Regardless of Case
Executing Scripts on a Remote Machine
Recycling All Your Volumes
Backing up ACLs on ext3 or XFS filesystems
Total Automation of Bacula Tape Handling
Running Concurrent Jobs
Testing Your Tape Drive With Bacula
Get Your Tape Drive Working
Problems When no Tape in Drive
Specifying the Configuration File
Specifying a Device Name For a Tape
Specifying a Device Name For a File
Using btape to Verify your Tape Drive
Testing tape drive speed
Linux SCSI Tricks
Tips for Resolving Problems
Bacula Saves But Cannot Restore Files
Bacula Cannot Open the Device
Incorrect File Number
Incorrect Number of Blocks or Positioning Errors
Ensuring that the Tape Modes Are Properly Set - Linux Only
Tape Hardware Compression and Blocking Size
Tape Modes on FreeBSD
Finding your Tape Drives and Autochangers on FreeBSD
Using the OnStream driver on Linux Systems
Hardware Compression on EXB-8900
Using btape to Simulate Filling a Tape
Recovering Files Written With Fixed Block Sizes
Tape Blocking Modes
Details of Tape Modes
Tape Performance Problems
Autochanger Errors
Syslog Errors
Dealing with Firewalls
Technical Details
A Concrete Example
The Bacula Configuration Files for the Above
How Does It Work?
Important Note
Firewall Problems
What To Do When Bacula Crashes (Kaboom)
Testing The Traceback
Getting A Traceback On Other Systems
Manually Running Bacula Under The Debugger
Getting Debug Output from Bacula
Bacula Copyright, Trademark, and Licenses
Public Domain
Fiduciary License Agreement
Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International
About this document ...
Kern Sibbald 2015-08-14